
A Few Tips for Maintaining Glass Shower Doors


If you have always felt that it was easier to toss a shower curtain into the washer or replace it than it is to keep glass shower doors clean and looking good, you may be right. However, unless you are washing that curtain between every shower, and keeping it out of the bathroom unless needed so it does not get damp from moisture and humidity in the room, it is a great place for mold and mildew spores to breed and grow.

5 July 2018

Cleaning Your Glass Shower Doors: 4 Tips


You may have shied away from glass shower doors because of the idea of keeping the glass clean. The soap scum that builds up can look unsightly. With a shower curtain, you can just toss it and buy a new one, but a glass shower door cannot simply be thrown away - it's going to take some work on your part and some upkeep to keep it shining like new. 

30 June 2018

How To Treat Baby Eczema


If your baby or toddler has rough, dry bumps on any part of his or her body, he or she may be suffering from eczema. Baby eczema is extremely common with newborns and toddlers, but it typically goes away as a baby grows older. If you are tired of your baby's skin feeling and looking so dry and bumpy, you may want to talk to your pediatrician about this. Here are some of the treatment methods doctors often recommend for babies and small children who are suffering from eczema.

29 June 2018